Step By Step Guide: What To Do In A Car Accident
The number of traffic accidents resulting in injuries have increased over the past few years in Singapore as according to the latest report by the Singapore Police Force. While fatalities have decreased, car accidents resulting in injuries may still take place, even to the most careful of drivers.
To err is human but there are also other causes for car accidents i.e. adverse weather conditions, roadkills, unexpected vehicle defects, etc. How you react as a car owner, driver or passenger can make a lot of difference, especially after a car accident. What usually comes to mind post-accident after checking the safety of everyone, is your liability and car insurance premiums . If you need a little help, here is our step-by-step guide on managing the situation with tact if you are involved in an accident.

6 Steps To Take When In A Car Accident
Report to your insurance company within 24 hours

Take photos of the accident scene

Note down the other driver’s contact details

If you’re planning to do a first party claim, this step will not be applicable. For third party damage claims, you will need his/her contact details which include:
- Driver names of all drivers involved
- Address of driver / drivers involved
- Car insurance company of vehicles involved
- Contact numbers of all drivers involved
Avoid moving any vehicles involved

Submit your claim report to your car insurance company

Get your car fixed at an authorised workshop

Should I Make A Police Report For A Car Accident?
Depending on the situation, it may be mandatory to make a report to your insurer when a car accident occurs, but is not necessary to lodge a police report for every car accident. In Singapore, it is usually recommended to make a police report for a car accident under the following circumstances within 24 hours of the accident.
Injury or medical attention required
If anyone involved in the accident sustains injuries or requires medical attention, it is important to notify the police immediately. They can assess the situation, provide necessary assistance, and document the incident.
Damage to government property
Once any damage is done to government property during the car accident, such as traffic lights, road signs, or public infrastructure, it is advisable to make a police report.
Hit-and-run incidents
In the situation when the other party involved in the accident flees the scene without exchanging details, it is best to inform the police as soon as possible, and provide any available information about the other vehicle and driver to aid their investigation.
Disputes or disagreements
When disputes arise between parties involved in the accident, such as regarding fault or compensation, it is advisable to involve the police. The police will usually help by gathering information, interviewing witnesses, and creating an official report that can support insurance claims or any legal proceedings required.
Significant damage or unknown driver
If the accident results in significant damage to the vehicles involved, or if the other driver's identity is unknown (e.g., unoccupied parked vehicle), a police report is definitely recommended.

Stay prepared for the unexpected. Protect your ride with the right car insurance.
Is It An Offence To Not Report A Car Accident?
This depends on the situation of the car accident. According to the Road Traffic Act of Singapore, it states that “the driver of the motor vehicle which caused the accident must report the accident to a police officer or at a police station as soon as reasonably practicable but within 24 hours after the accident has occurred.” Thus, the driver will not need to lodge a police report only if:
1) The driver has provided his particulars to a person who was present at the scene of the accident; or
2) The owner of the damaged vehicle or structure has contacted the driver.
*Disclaimer: The above information is accurate as per the time of writing and the updated version (as of 1 June 2023) of the Road Traffic Act of Singapore available on Singapore Statutes Online, provided by the Legislation Division of the Attorney-General's Chambers of Singapore.
What To Do When You Witness A Car Accident?
Assess the situation

Contact the police

Do not interfere with evidence

Provide information

Stay to provide statements

What Happens If You Crash A Rental Car Without Insurance?
If you crash a rental car without insurance in Singapore, it can have several consequences including:
Taking on necessary liability for damages
Without insurance coverage, you would be personally liable for any damages caused to the rental car, other vehicles involved, or any property that may have been damaged in the accident. This means you may have to pay for the repairs or replacement of the rental car, as well as the damages to other parties involved.
Facing legal repercussions
Driving a rental car without insurance is a violation of the Singapore law. The Road Traffic Act requires all vehicles, including rental cars, to have valid insurance coverage. You may face legal consequences, including fines and penalties, for driving without insurance.
Abiding by the rental company's policies
The rental company will have its own policies, and terms and conditions regarding accidents and insurance. If you crash a rental car without insurance, you may be in violation of the rental agreement, and the company may hold you responsible for any costs associated with the accident. These can include repair costs, loss of rental income, and administrative fees.
Having difficulty renting in the future
If you crash a rental car without insurance, it can affect your ability to rent cars in the future. Rental companies may view you as a high-risk customer and refuse to rent to you or impose additional requirements or charges.

Frequently Asked Questions
When I get into a car accident, should I report it immediately to my insurance company?
- Yes. If possible, it is best to report it to your car insurer as soon as possible. Most car insurance companies require claim reports to be made within 24 hours, this timeframe is usually the same for a first party or third party claim. You’ll want to inform your car insurance company within 24 hours regardless of whether or not you intend to claim on your own policy or if your car is damaged, so as to avoid breaching the policy’s terms and conditions, which may affect your claim process.
What happens if you get insurance after a car accident?
- Depending on the outcome of the car accident, your car insurance benefits may or may not be affected. For instance, your No Claim Discount (NCD) may not be affected if you are found totally not at fault in an accident involving another vehicle. In all other cases, your NCD may be affected.
Is it against the law to not report a car accident to the police?
Yes and no. This depends on the situation, if you as the driver have provided your particulars to a person who was present at the scene of the accident; or you as the owner of the damaged vehicle or structure has contacted the driver, there may be no need to report to the police. In other situations, there is a need to lodge a police report by law.
According to the Road Traffic Act of Singapore, it states that “the driver of the motor vehicle which caused the accident must report the accident to a police officer or at a police station as soon as reasonably practicable but within 24 hours after the accident has occurred.”
What to do if you’re a victim of a hit-and-run accident in Singapore?
The most important and first things to do are to ensure your own safety, check for any injuries, see medical attention as soon as you can, and to contact the police (if you’re able to, if not, shout or wave to passers-by to get help) via 999. Thereafter, collect as much information as possible about the incident.
This includes noting the license plate number, make and model of the vehicle, and any distinguishing features. If there are any witnesses, ask for their contact details. After which, contact your insurance provider to inform them about the incident, and provide them with all the relevant information, including the police report number, so as to get guidance on your claims process. Lastly, consult a lawyer and get legal advice if there are any injuries and property damages involved.