Extensive coverage including COVID-19
S$ 700,000Med. Coverage (Overseas)
S$ 10,000Trip Cancellation
S$ 6,000Loss/Damage of Baggage
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Receive up to S$10,000 for trip cancellation, up to S$8,000 for trip curtailment, and up to S$1,000 for trip disruption.
Covid-19 Cover COVID-19 Special Extension Covered Automatic Extension on the Period of Insurance Up to 14 days COVID-19 Overseas Medical Expenses Up to S$200,000 a. Each Adult below Age 70 years old S$200,000 b. Each Adult Age 70 years old and above S$100,000 c. Each Child S$100,000 COVID-19 Related Trip Cancellation S$ 5,000 COVID-19 Trip Postponement (sub-limit) S$750 COVID-19 Trip Curtailment S$ 2,500 COVID-19 Hospitalization Income S$ 1,400 (Overseas Hospital Confinement Allowance due to COVID-19) Hospital Day stay in overseas 14 days - Limit for each complete Hospital Day stay S$100 COVID-19 Quarantine Benefits S$ 1,400 (Overseas Quarantine Confinement Allowance due to COVID-19) In a designated facility Day stay in overseas 14 days - Limit for each complete Day stay S$100 COVID-19 Emergency Medical Evacuation / Repatriation Up to S$200,000 a. Each Adult below Age 70 years old S$200,000 b. Each Adult Age 70 years old and above S$100,000 c. Each Child S$100,000 Get Well Benefit S$200 Bereavement Benefit due to COVID-19 S$10,000
Travel Delay S$ 1,500 - Limit for each full 6 consecutive hours delay while overseas S$100 - Lump sum limit after full 6 consecutive hours delay departure from Singapore S$100 Flight Deviation S$1,500 - Limit for each full 6 consecutive hours S$100 Travel Misconnection S$200 Travel Cancellation / Postponement Travel Cancellation S$10,000 Travel Postponement (sub-limit) S$1,500 Replacement of Traveller (sub-limit) S$200 Bankruptcy or Insolvency of Travel Agent S$5,000 Delayed Baggage S$ 1,500 - Limit for each full 6 consecutive hours delay while overseas S$100 - Lump sum limit after full 6 consecutive hours delay departure from Singapore S$100 Loss/Damage of Personal Baggage S$ 6,000 (Baggage and Personal Effects) - Limit per article or pair or set of articles S$500 - Maximum total limit for all Valuables S$500 - Laptop Computer, Wireless Handheld Device and Mobile Phone S$1,000 Trip Curtailment S$ 8,000 Trip Disruption S$1,000 Overbooked Scheduled Public Conveyance while Overseas S$100
Accidental Death and Disablement Up to S$300,000 a. Each Adult below Age 70 years old S$300,000 b. Each Adult Age 70 years old and above S$150,000 c. Each Child S$150,000 Accidental Death on Public Conveyance Up to S$600,000 a. Each Adult below Age 70 years old S$600,000 b. Each Adult Age 70 years old and above S$150,000 c. Each Child S$300,000 Repatriation of Mortal Remains Unlimited
Post Trip Medical Expenses Up to S$30,000 (Medical Expenses Incurred Upon Return to Singapore) a. Each Adult below Age 70 years old S$30,000 b. Each Adult Age 70 years old and above S$15,000 c. Each Child S$30,000 Daily Hospital Allowance Hospital Confinement Allowance S$15,000 a. Hospital Day stay in overseas - Limit for each complete Hospital Day stay S$300 b. Hospital Day stay in Singapore - Limit for each complete Hospital Day stay S$150 Compassionate Visit by a Relative or Friend S$7,500 Overseas Medical Expenses Up to S$700,000 (Medical, Dental and Other Expenses Incurred Overseas) a. Each Adult below Age 70 years old S$700,000 b. Each Adult Age 70 years old and above S$350,000 c. Each Child S$700,000 Emergency Medical Evacuation Unlimited* and Repatriation a. Each Adult below Age 70 years old Unlimited b. Each Adult Age 70 years old and above S$150,000 c. Each Child Unlimited Other Medical Treatments Traditional Chinese Medical and/or Chiropractic Treatment Expenses S$500
Personal Liability S$ 500,000
Bungee Jumping Hiking Hot Air Balloon Ride Pre-existing Conditions Scuba Diving Sky Diving Snow/Ice Sports
Rental Vehicle Excess S$ 3,000 Terrorism Cover Personal Money S$ 3,000 and Travel Documents - Sub-limit for Money S$500 Mobile Phone Charges for Emergency Medical Assistance S300 Child Caretaker S$7,500 Child’s Education Fund S$20,000 - Limit for each Child S$5,000 Un-utilised Entertainment Ticket S$300 Hijacking S$5,000 - Limit for each full 6 consecutive hours S$50 Kidnapping S$5,000 - Limit for each full 12 consecutive hours S$50 Credit Card Indemnity S$500 Credit Card Liability Protector S$3,000 Home Protection (Limit per household) S$6,000 - Sub-limit for burglary S$500 Travel Assistance while overseas Covered
Best for Trip Cancellation/ Delay Best for Baggage Loss/ Damage Extensive Medical Expenses Extreme Sports Coverage Covid-19 Coverage Pre-existing Condition Infectious diseases
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