AIA Health Insurance Singapore
AIA Singapore is an outpost of the multinational insurance and finance corporation, AIA Group Limited that was founded in 1919 as American Asiatic Underwriters. Over the years, it has grown across 18 Asia-Pacific markets and is now the largest independent publicly-listed Asian life insurance group, with its headquarters in Hong Kong. AIA in Singapore has been established since 1931, and now offers 10 categories of personal insurance for individuals alongside employee benefits insurance for businesses.

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What types of insurance does AIA offer?
AIA Singapore offers a total of 11 types of insurance for individuals and businesses, namely life, medical, hospitalisation, personal accident, critical illness insurance, and more. Below, you will find an overview of each type of insurance. When choosing your first health insurance, you will want to look at Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) which will complement your MediShield Life health insurance provided by the government, offering you coverage for hospitalisation bills, including any related pre- and post-hospitalisation treatments' bills.
AIA Health Insurance Plans

Why choose an AIA plan?
With so many different types of health and medical insurance to choose from, it may get rather daunting to make a decision. To make things easier, let’s start with what you really need. If you are not pregnant and don’t really have any serious health issues like disability, cancer or other critical illnesses, then it’ll make more sense to get an Integrated Shield plan like the AIA HealthShield Gold Max.
This AIA HealthShield Gold Max is just one of the few Integrated Shield plans available in Singapore, which can come in handy when there’s an urgent medical need e.g. a car accident, a fall from some sports activity, etc. Basically, it’s additional coverage above what the very basic MediShield Life offers.
If you do not really know what MediShield Life is, here’s a very simple explanation: MediShield Life is the most fundamental health insurance scheme administered by the Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB), which all Singaporeans and PRs have. While it covers the very basic medical costs, it is subject to strict limits and lots of exclusions. In the event that you have an urgent unexpected medical need, having an Integrated Shield plan like the AIA HealthShield Gold Max will give you more peace of mind and save you the stress and hassle of trying to pay off a hefty medical bill in a rush
What is AIA HealthShield Gold Max
AIA HealthShield Gold Max is a MediSave-approved Integrated Shield Plan (IP) with 4 different tiers – A, B, B Lite, and Standard – which grants you access to varying benefits, coverage limits, ward classes in public and private hospitals. An IP serves to supplement the medical and hospitalisation coverage that Singapore citizens and Permanent Residents (PRs) have from the mandatory MediShield Life health insurance offered by Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH).
AIA HealthShield Gold Max Insurance Plan Tiers
Plan A | Private hospitals (Standard rooms and below) | S$2,000,000 (AIA preferred hospitals) S$600,000 (non-AIA preferred hospitals) |
Plan B | Public hospitals (Class A wards and below) | S$450,000 |
Plan B Lite | Public hospitals (Class B wards and below) | S$300,000 |
Standard | Public hospitals (Class B1 wards and below) | S$150,000 |
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AIA HealthShield Gold Max Exclusions
AIA-Preferred Doctors and Clinics
The first exclusion you need to note is your choice of doctor, clinic, or hospital. AIA has preferred healthcare providers for the HealthShield Gold Max, called the AIA Quality Healthcare Partners (AQHP). Some medical treatments may not be claimable or may have lower claim limits if you visit a non-AQHP provider.
Surgical Procedures
Surgeries that are not listed in the Ministry of Health’s Table of Surgical Procedures will not be covered by any of the AIA HealthShield Gold Max insurance plans.
13-month Pre- and Post-Hospitalisation Benefit
You are only eligible if your actual hospitalisation stay was in one of AIA’s preferred hospitals as stated in the AIA Quality Healthcare Partners (AQHP) list which you can access via your AIA account online or via the AIA mobile app.
Extended Post-Hospitalisation for 30 Critical Illnesses
You are not eligible if you have claimed over 200 days under the “Post-Hospitalisation 7 Treatment Benefit” after you have been discharged from your hospitalisation stay.
Pregnancy Complications
Only 26 pregnancy complications will be covered by this plan, including ectopic pregnancy, eclampsia, miscarriage, haemorrhage, still birth, gestational diabetes, and more. You will find the full list in your policy’s terms and conditions in fine print.
30 Critical Illnesses Benefit
Of the 37 critical illnesses listed in the Life Insurance Association Singapore’s standard framework published in 2019, AIA HealthShield Gold Max does not cover 7 of them – Major Head Trauma, Progressive Scleroderma, Persistent Vegetative State (Apallic Syndrome), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Lupus Nephritis, Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, Poliomyelitis, and Loss of Independent Existence.

AIA HealthShield Gold Max Summary
The AIA HealthShield Gold Max A offering coverage for private hospital wards and treatments offers the best value of its class, with most medical treatments’ coverage listed as “As Charged”, including coverage for 26 pregnancy complications and congenital abnormalities for newborns (for female insured individuals), and outpatient radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapies. To maximise your AIA HealthShield Gold Max A insurance plan, it is best to add-on the AIA Max VitalHealth rider to lower your co-insurance payment from 10% to 5% (capped at S$3,000 per policy year), and enjoy other benefits such as early detection screenings, immediate family members’ accommodation in the hospital, post-hospital alternative medicine and nursing coverage.
AIA Health Insurance Plans
AIA Mum2Baby
A base investment-linked plan which offers multi-stage critical illnesses, disability, and death coverage. If you opt for a pre-natal rider, your total plan will provide up to S$25,000 coverage for over 10 types of pregnancy complications, hospitalisation, death for the mother, over 20 types of congenital illnesses, hospitalisation, medical negligence, premature birth, and HFMD for the baby.
AIA Mum2Baby Protect
This comprises a base whole life plan that covers critical illness, with multiplier boosters, cash value accumulation, and bonuses. A pre-natal rider is available as well, which will bring the total coverage limit to up to S$25,000 for over 10 pregnancy complications, hospitalisation, death for the mother, over 20 congenital illnesses, hospitalisation, medical negligence, premature birth, and HFMD for the baby.
AIA HealthShield Gold Max
A termed (up to 74 years old) Integrated Shield Plan that supplements any basic medical coverage offered by MediShield Life such as access to class A and B1 wards in public hospitals along with treatments and wards in private hospitals, pre- and post-hospitalisation benefits across 13 months, online WhiteCoat video consultations, concierge services – all up to a maximum of S$2 million in claims per year.
AIA Platinum Health
A term life (up to 65 years old) international medical, hospitalisation, ICU, and specialist insurance plan covering 30 medical conditions with an annual limit of S$750k and lifetime limit of S$5 million for frequent flyers in 15 Asia-Pacific countries. Emergency medical evacuation or repatriation expenses not subject to deductible – you won't have to fork out cash.
AIA Hospital Income
A termed income plan (up to 84 years old) meant to supplement your mainstay health insurance plans to offer you daily cash to replace any income loss up to 500 days of hospitalisation – including ICU, day surgeries, and post-hospitalisation home rest. There’s even a Get Well cash benefit that you’re entitled to receive as you recuperate.
What types of insurance does AIA offer?
AIA Singapore offers a total of 11 types of insurance for individuals and businesses, namely life, medical, hospitalisation, personal accident, critical illness insurance, and more. Below, you will find an overview of each type of insurance. When choosing your first health insurance, you will want to look at Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) which will complement your MediShield Life health insurance provided by the government, offering you coverage for hospitalisation bills, including any related pre- and post-hospitalisation treatments' bills.

Types of Insurance offered by AIA
Life Insurance
A life insurance plan offers you financial support and security for your dependants and family in the event of any mishaps leading to death. There are 2 main types of life insurance – term life, and whole life insurance. Term insurance plans offer you coverage for a fixed term of time determined by you. Whole life insurance, on the other hand, covers you for life or until the stipulated date in your policy – 100 years old, for instance. AIA offers 7 types of life insurance plans ranging from the AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (II), Pro Lifetime Protector, Secure Flexi Term, to Gen3 (II), and more.
Medical Insurance
Medical insurance plans help you to alleviate hefty medical treatment and hospitalisation bills in the event you run into an unexpected medical condition or emergency. In Singapore, all citizens and Permanent Residents (PRs) are automatically enrolled into the governmental MediShield Life offered by the Ministry of Health. Premiums are currently S$66 for 21 to 30-year-olds, S$105 for 31 to 40-year-olds, and incrementally so on. You have the option to extend your healthcare coverage by opting in on Integrated Shield Plans (IPs), hospitalisation cash income, critical illness, and disability income plans.
Accident Protection
Why do we need personal accident insurance plans? Accident protection insurance helps you to alleviate hefty emergency, long-term medical treatment bills, and any loss of income arising from unexpected accidents. AIA offers 4 types of personal accident plans such as AIA Solitaire PA (II), Star Protector Plus, offering you salary compensation and financial security for your family in the event you run into an accident and incur medical and inpatient or outpatient hospital bills, death, or disability.
What is a savings insurance plan? A savings insurance is a system which requires you to pay your preferred amount of premium annually for a fixed number of years, e.g. 5 or 10 years. Your policy and the total amount you have deposited then takes another set number of years to mature, e.g. 5 years. It may then generate a certain amount of interest per annum or bonuses as well. Once your policy has matured, you will be able to withdraw the total sum. AIA offers 10 different types of savings insurance policies to suit your age group, budget, and cash flow needs.
Why are retirement plans important? What is a good retirement plan? Retirement insurance plans offer you the option to work or not as you approach your golden years – and it requires early planning. If you have a mortgage-free home, your debts paid off, you can calculate your retirement needs via the CPF or AIA retirement calculator. Your CPF Life retirement funds will only be issued to you from 65 onwards. In the case you want to supplement that amount, or retire earlier than 65, you will need additional sources of cash such as stock, real estate investments, or a retirement insurance plan.
Disability Income Protection
Disability income protection insurance plans offer you monthly payments in the event that you run into accidents or illnesses that cause partial or total disability. Such plans are important if you work in injury-prone manual labour industries or operate heavy machineries and may be the sole breadwinner of your family. AIA offers a termed Premier Disability Cover plan for individuals aged 16 to 60, offering lump-sum or monthly payouts, income top-ups and payback, and rehabilitation reimbursement in the event of a disability.
Critical Illness Insurance
Do I really need critical illness insurance? How is it different from my usual Integrated Shield Plan or health insurance? A critical illness insurance serves to lighten your medical expense burden in the event you are diagnosed with a critical illness which demands costly and long-term treatments. AIA offers 6 critical illness insurance plans such as the Power Critical Cover, a whole life plan which allows you to claim medical bills for early, multi-stage, and relapse of 150 critical illnesses, diabetes, and death. AIA Multi-Stage Cancer Cover, on the other hand, offers you a lump-sum payout of up to S$250,000 in the event you are diagnosed for early, intermediate, or later stage cancers.
AIA Vitality
AIA Vitality is AIA Singapore’s wellness programme which you can sign up for S$8 per month to complement your existing AIA health insurance plans. When you sign up for AIA Vitality, you start with a Bronze status which will be upgraded as you earn more AIA Vitality points when you improve your health, nutrition, fitness, assessments and tests. As you upgrade your AIA Vitality status to silver, gold, and platinum, you will also access rewards such as flight, grocery, movie, gym, and insurance premium discounts, cashbacks, and rebates.
Investment-linked insurance plans are basically life insurance plans with an investment element added to it. Like any life insurance, you and your family will be offered a financial payout in the event of disability or death. However, when you pay your premiums for your investment insurance plan, these premiums will be automatically used to purchase units in your preferred sub-funds portfolios that match your risk appetite – low, moderate, or aggressive. Your gains made via these investment sub-funds will largely depend on the performance of the funds, meaning you will not have a predetermined and guaranteed return margin or value when you sign up for investment insurance plans.
Travel and Lifestyle
AIA’s Around The World Plus travel insurance plan which you can purchase for single, annual, or multiple trips online or via your AIA agent to claim medical and hospitalisation expenses that may arise from accidents, injuries, or illnesses while abroad, travel delays, flight diversions, baggage, money, or document loss. Travel insurance aside, AIA offers home and property protection insurance, domestic helpers or maid insurance, and pet dog insurance plans as well.
Employee Benefits
If you are an owner of a SME business, or the Human Resource officer of a MNC, AIA offers a range of insurance plans for your employee benefit scheme – group term life and total permanent disability, accidental death and dismemberment, critical illness, long-term disability, hospitalisation and surgical, major medical, maternity, dental, specialist outpatient add-on, and clinical outpatient plans. Your employees will be able to access AIA’s 24/7 contact centre, online portal, AIA Employee Care mobile app, and online and express claims.
AIA Integrated Shield Plan Rider
What is an IP rider plan?
What is a hospital rider? A rider in health insurance basically refers to an add-on plan that you can purchase to supplement your current plan with more benefits, extend and boost your existing healthcare and medical coverage, or to bridge any healthcare gaps that you may have in your existing plan. AIA currently only offers 1 Integrated Shield Plan Rider called the AIA Max VitalHealth. Below, the benefits of the AIA Max VitalHealth rider along with some things you should take note of:
From AIA Max Essential to AIA Max VitalHealth
The former Integrated Shield Plan rider, AIA Max Essential, was phased out as of 1 April 2019 and replaced by the current AIA Max VitalHealth rider as part of Singapore's Health Insurance Task Force's efforts to combat local health insurance plans and riders' rapid inflation over the years. If you hold an existing AIA Max Essential rider purchased before 8 March 2018, you will get to continue enjoying the benefits stated in your policy. If your AIA Max Essential Rider was purchased between 8 March 2018 to 31 March 2019, a 5% co-payment capped at S$3,000 per policy year will be introduced to your policy upon renewal from 1 April 2021.

AIA Max VitalHealth
If you purchased the new AIA Max VitalHealth, your policy would have been updated to reflect the new regulations set in place by the Health Insurance Task Force in 2018. Unlike the former cash-free, 100% bill coverage rider policies, you will now be required to pay a 5% co-payment in cash every time you claim an eligible medical bill. This co-payment cash amount will be capped at S$3,000 per policy year if you are claiming your medical expenses from AIA-preferred doctors and clinics.
The AIA Max VitalHealth rider was designed to be used in tandem with your AIA HealthShield Gold Max Integrated Shield Plan (IP) and offers you benefits such as reimbursement for any deductibles and co-insurance you have paid when claiming a medical bill under your AIA HealthShield Gold Max IP. Other benefits include coverage for an additional bed in your ward for your family member, S$1,000 to S$5,000 for any alternative medical treatment sought within 100 days post-hospitalisation for cancer and stroke patients, nursing home, early detection screening coverage for colonoscopy and mammogram, ambulance service, and more.

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AIA HealthShield Gold Max Rider
Under the HealthShield Gold Max A, there is currently 1 rider available called Max VitalHealth A. Customers can choose to purchase this rider as an add-on to their integrated shield plan so that they can reduce out of pocket costs.
AIA Max VitalHealth A
By having the AIA Max VitalHealth A, you are subjected to only a 5% co-payment of the total bill when you go to an AIA Quality Healthcare Partner specialist or public hospital. The co-payment is capped at $3,000 per year. With the rider, you are also provided with an additional early detection screening benefit.

Additional add-on: Emergency Healthcare Booster
You can opt for the optional Booster with enhanced benefits such as post-A&E treatment benefit, ambulance service benefit, outpatient treatment for dengue and HFMD, and emergency international medical assistance and repatriation.
Extra benefit: Medix
A 24/7 service exclusively available for customers with AIA Max VitalHealth A. Medix provides a service in which a Personal Case Management team helps to consolidate expert medical recommendations based on your medical information and test results. This can help customers in getting a second opinion on medical-related matters.

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How to apply for your Health Insurance plan

How do I apply for a Health Insurance plan through MoneySmart?
Answer Some Questions
Don't have time to compare all the different health insurance plans in Singapore for foreigners? Answer some questions and let our intelligent system find the best health insurance plan for you.
Speak To Our Insurance Specialists
After you submit your quiz, our expert insurance specialist team members may drop you a call to clarify your needs and explain your options to you. Seize this chance to ask our friendly colleagues the burning questions you may have about health insurance!
Apply And Purchase Your Health Insurance
Once you have spoken to our insurance specialists, considered your options, and planned your finances, you are ready to apply for your health insurance plan online through our portal.
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AIA Health Insurance Claims
When you are filing an insurance claim, it basically means that you, the policyholder, is submitting a request to your insurance company to reimburse you for the medical bills you have paid for at the clinic or hospital. What sets a health insurance provider apart from another is the reliability, and convenience of the claims system.

How Do Claims Work?
There are several important things to take note of before you make a health claim from AIA and these include knowing what type of plan you purchased, when did the incident/illness occur, what to claim for, and who is/are involved.
AIA Claim Form
When visiting any doctor or clinic, keep your original bills, receipts, inpatient discharge summary, and medical or diagnostic reports – in English preferably or accompanied by an English translated copy by a certified translator. You can submit your AIA HealthShield Gold Max claims electronically via the medical institutions you have visited at the time of your admission or discharge. In the event you have a follow-up claim such as post-hospitalisation expenses, you need to submit a follow-up claim form manually via post or your AIA agent.

Claim process
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the AIA HealthShield Gold Max payable by MediSave?
- Yes, like all other Integrated Shield Plans, the AIA HealthShield Gold Max insurance plan is payable by MediSave. If you are using your MediSave to pay for your Integrated Shield Plan (IP), do note that there are Additional Withdrawal Limit – you can only use S$300 from your MediSave to pay for your IP if you are 40 years old or younger (on your next birthday), S$600 if you are aged 41 to 70, and S$900 if you are 71 years and above. Also, you can only have 1 Integrated Shield Plan at any one time.
Does the premiums of AIA health insurance plans increase with age?
- Yes, premiums of health insurance plans and Integrated Shield Plans generally increase with age as the chances of getting hospitalised, injured, ill, or diagnosed with medical conditions increases. That aside, the increase in premiums also accommodates projected inflation for medical services.
Can I get 2 AIA Integrated Shield Plans to increase my coverage?
- No, you cannot have 2 Integrated Shield Plans in Singapore at any one time and are only allowed to have 1 Integrated Shield Plan regardless of which private insurer you are registered with.
Is the quoted premium an additional amount I have to pay besides my MediShield Life plan?
- It depends – some insurers present their Integrated Shield Plan premiums with MediShield Life premiums included to give you an overview of the price. Some insurance companies, however, split up both the premiums of MediShield Life and their Integrated Shield Plans' premiums into separate columns. Do check the fine print of the premiums table to check if MediShield Life's premiums have been included.
Can foreigners buy AIA Shield plans?
- Yes but they are only eligible for AIA HealthShield Gold Max A.
What are the payment methods for AIA HealthShield Gold Max A?
- For foreigners who are non-dependants of Singapore Citizens or PRs, AIA HealthShield Gold Max A premiums can only be paid via cash. For foreigners who are dependents, premiums can be paid via cash or Medisave.
Is the AIA HealthShield Gold Max payable by medisave?
- Policy Owners who are Singapore Citizens or PRs may use their MediSave funds to pay for AIA HealthShield Gold Max A premiums for their dependants (i.e. legal spouse, parents, grandparents and children) who are foreigners, subject to the MediSave Withdrawal Limits.
What is the premium payment frequency for the AIA Shield plan?
- For AIA HealthShield Gold Max A, monthly payment mode is only available to Insureds who are foreigners, provided the premiums payable under AIA HealthShield Gold Max A are fully paid by cash and not paid by CPF MediSave.